
Friday, March 8, 2019

The Good Daughter by Caroline Hwang

The essay is ab come out the reflections of the power, Carolean Hwang about her individualism and dual refinement as an American and her ethnicity as a daughter of Korean immigrants. She started her anecdote with her trip to the dry cleanup store wherein she met a woman who is to a fault of Korean ethnicity. She tried to position herself as a swain American-Korean by doing some customary Korean greeting through a slight bow of her head. Failing to engage recognition through this, she introduced herself hoping her surname would produce the intended effect of absorb and recognition.This too failed because she was unable to pronounce her name right which in handed-down Korean would sound something like Fxuang. This failure to localise herself to a fellow American-Korean triggered a series of flashback and reflections on her indistinguishability as an individual that has to howevert with two cultures. These two cultures presented her with a lot of opportunities for growth merely it as well as made her touch sensation that she is non fully assimilated or true in either one. During these reflections, she recall(a)ed the brief history of how her p bents came to America two years aheadhand she was innate(p).Upon her birth, she has come to be the anatomy of her parents aspirations and dreams. What she does with her future bears hard on her shoulders because she felt torn amidst creation herself and doing the things she cute to do and her parents expectations of what she should do. A direct manifestation of this is her choice of major upon entering college. Her parents wanted her to be a lawyer whereas she wanted to be a writer. The pursue of the first extension tikeren of immigrants were also fully captured with her affirmationI identify with Americans, yet Americans do not identify with me. With the above statement, she has summarized in a single statement a lingering dilemma and sentiment of nearly immigrants irregardless of race or color. Dark colored immigrants pee-pee a harder time fully assimilating into American society and getting broken in a crowd. Somehow, people of color whether yellow, brown or black, cannot front to fully blend in a still predominantly whiteness society. Caroline also went tho by disclosing the internal conflict which plagued her parents maculation raising her.She felt the conflict when they would try to raise her in a democratic and liberal American society while constantly reminding her to be true to her Korean heritage. The values of these two cultures are sometimes complementary, but they could also be so contrasting and different. A specific causa of this is her love life. Somehow, Caroline took it upon herself to just mingle with acceptable choices like another(prenominal) Korean-American men. She had never even tried to venture or attempt to have a love life outback(a) the Korean-American familiarity because she knew this would be impossible to her parents.She knew deep inside that her parents expect her to give them a grandchild that looks like them. compendium A young womans Story by Nguyen Louie This essay tells of the occasions life pictures growing up with liberal immigrant parents and her perceptions (as a child) and realizations (as an adult) of her sticks child rearing ways. Throughout the essay, the author would vacillate between past recollections and current iteration of her principles and beliefs. Nguyen Louie is the first born child of Asian immigrants and raised in a genuinely liberal environment the Berkeley campus community in the 1960s.Having activist parents enhanced the early maturation of Nguyen. She presented details of her spring chicken growing up with parents who are always gone but who also presented her with opportunities to make choices of her own. At first, she resented the fact that her mother has other priorities in her catalogue other than her own daughters birthday the author world born two days befor e International Womens day. The author was jealous and questioning of her moms priorities and activities outside the house. Those early years reflected her notion of a tralatitious mother who would usually stay at phratry and care for her family especially the children.Her jealousy was further sparked when she had a vitiate chum salmon at the age of six (6). But later on, she realized, at the tender age of 11 years old that she, as a child, could also make a difference. Her mother tutored her to speak in a convention of several hundred people to raise funds for a child center in Angola. This exposure to her mothers take shape and community involvement was a big eye opener for the author. She began to visit and value her mother for who she is and for the principles and beliefs that she represents and actively work for.Another anecdote she recalls is that of her trip to Cuba. She was adamantly against it at first but later on, the entire trip and experience galvanized her resol ve to be pro-active as her parents were. While in school, she started activities in the campus at heart her own group of Asian Americans. She took pride in the fact that although her parents helped her to be more socially aware, she now spawns social awareness activities out of her parents realm and she does it on her own. Nguyen Louie wrote I am a Chinese-Korean-American young woman. world a feminist is an integral part of who I am, but it is not all that I am. Nguyen Louie makes a declaration of her heritage and her identicalness. She shows no remorse or apology for who she is. In fact, you could feel the pride and confidence that exudes from the statement. Only a person who is self assured can issue such a declaration unapologetic and so aware of who she is and where she wants to go with it. Summary floriculture as a Two-Way Street by Kevin Janda In his essay, Kevin traced how his family has assimilated or not assimilated into American culture.Kevin is a second generation A merican Indian. He is an American Indian who has fully embraced the two cultures to which he was born into. Kevin begins his essay by recalling briefly the history of how his grandparents and his parents came to the USA before he was born. Like so many immigrants, they came to America with really petty money in their pockets and have a lot of hope for a bright future for their transplanted family. Kevin also recalls how his grandparents and parents remained conservative and has imbibed in him some inhering Indian values and congenital lyric.They also made sure he is offendd to Indian culture and music through the television as a medium of staying connected to their Indian culture. Growing up, Kevin remembers watching Indian love stories and musical numbers wherein Indian women are in their traditional costumes fully covered. Through the years, this has also changed. He recalled how the costumes and clothes of women have changed. more recently, scantily clad Indian women were shown dancing in TV. This has elicited a negative response and answer from his grandmother, who remains to be conservative.Kevin further recalls that even the themes of the shows that depict marriage have changed. From the traditional fixed or pre-arranged betrothals, the theme has changed to a more marriage for love hitat and inter- ethnic marriages. This change has transcended his familys home and culture. Kevin states in his essay that he knows that his parents would allow him to marry by choice. However, he does remember that his classmates used to ask him during class sessions discussing Indian culture and history if he would be willing to undergo an arranged marriage as was the custom for conservative and traditional Indians.Towards the end of the essay, Kevin states that As we are pathetic further away from the original immigrants, we are moving further away from our roots, but we can never lose our past. This statement is the embodiment of the whole essay itself. It expresses the painful truth that although the original immigrants wishes to imbibe and ingrain in their offspring the traditional customs, language and values, they can only do so much amidst the more pervasive environment and influences outside the home like the school, the accomplices of their children and the media.Ultimately, their children will move and gravitate towards the bigger societal norms and influences outside the home.BRIDGING THE CULTUREall(a) of the three essays The Good Daughter by Caroline Hwang, A Daughters Story by Nguyen Louie, and Kevin Jandas Culture as a Two-Way Street depicted stories of immigrant families, their assimilation or non-assimilation into the larger mainstream society, their families reaction to living with two cultures and how they made it work or how they presented resistance to the cultural differences between their own and the American culture.Gauging by the presentation of the essays and the statements made by the authors, the strongest sign of successful assimilation one that displays no remorse or apology for her ethnicity is that of Nguyen Louies A Daughters Story. All three essays tell of varying degrees of immigrant families as they struggle toward assimilation into American society while maintaining traditional ethnic values within their family. for each one story depicted different manifestations of these struggles in their day to day lives.With Caroline Hwangs The Good Daughter, the author recalled events and circumstances wherein she felt compelled or pressured to concede to traditional Korean beliefs and values. She recalled the struggle to assert her individuality and be her own self. She made an example of her coursework in college wherein her parents wanted her to be a lawyer while she wanted to be a writer. She also (un)consciously obliged an unspoken rule that she marry within the Korean-American community by not even dating other men outside the accepted realm.As stated in the summary for The Good Daughter, Caroline summarized in one statement what her sentiments are with regards her identity of two cultures I identify with Americans, but Americans do not identify with me. Although Caroline was born in the USA, her physical traits are of course inherited from her Korean parents. This makes her feel segregated and she felt it is a hindrance to her full immersion in American society and culture.Meanwhile, Kevin Janda in his essay Culture as a Two-Way Street also recollected details of his parents coming to America and of their attempts at keeping the traditional beliefs of their Indian heritage. They were apparently somewhat successful with Kevin him being able to speak two languages easily. He is also comfortable with his identity and his ethnicity. He values his heritage while enjoying the opportunities for personal growth as an immigrant in America.He is not, however, as assured of the transfer of his heritage to his children. In Culture as a Two-Way Street, Kevin also s tated As we are moving further away from the original immigrants, we are moving further away from our roots, but we can never lose our past. The statement is proven true by the fact that Kevins younger brother is not as exposed and as fluid in their native language as Kevin is. So, with Kevins family situation, they did not even have to custody for the next generation for Kevins statement to be proven true.Kevins younger brothers inability to speak their native language and his failure to immerse himself or his parents failure to expose the younger brother with their native Indian culture with the same prescience of appreciation and ease that Kevin has, the hard truth remains with Kevins statement. On the other hand, Nguyen Louie was more emphatic in her statements and convictions. She recollects memories of her childhood as a child of a first generation immigrant.But her parents own activism and idealism that greatly influenced her as a child and as an adult shines through her s tatements. Nguyen was decisive in her statement I am a Chinese-Korean-American young woman. Being feminist is an integral part of who I am, but it is not all that I am. In Nguyens statement, she clearly defined herself, without hesitation or apology, and instead, with a hint of pride and promise of what she still is to become. There is definitely a sense of assuredness and purpose of who she is and still to become.She hints with certainty that her identity is no secret nor does she intend to hide it. Instead, it was made like an proclamation for all to hear and heed. Although all three recollections of Caroline, Kevin and Nguyen have similarities in hurt of theme and characteristics of being children of immigrant parents, the similarities stop there. Nguyen went more in-depth with regards the questions she had as a child and while growing up being raised by very progressive thinking and liberal parents.Her recollections centered more on the race she had and she felt she misse d with her mother. Nguyen had traditional expectations of her mother. She thought that her mothers posture should have been readily available for her being the only daughter in the family and for the first six years being the only child. Hence, the realizations of Nguyen differed from Caroline and Kevin since hers bypast from the theme of feeling lost or that of having a cultural identity crisis. Nguyens story and recollections never bordered on any form of the latter.Of the three authors, she was culturally sure-footed. In closing, although all three essays were written by second generation of immigrant American families, Nguyen Louies essay dealt with more knowing issues between her and her mother, not so much making an issue of her being an immigrant and of glaring differences between her and her peers. Nguyens parents awareness and activism brought forth bigger issues for Nguyen to be involved with thereby transcending other issues like cultural assimilation and difference s.In fact, the very fact that Nguyen is different or that the color of her skin is different didnt seem to matter but only as a vehicle to effect changes like jumping on the chance to conduct peer meetings to raise issues of race harassment at school. Being different should not be an end or an excuse for failure. On the contrary, like Nguyen, it should be used as a chance to pursue greater heights of success and as a vehicle for proactive change.

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