
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Choosing hardware and input devices Essay

Microsoft Publisher Microsoft Word pigment Internet adventurer This t adapted shows each the applications I drawd to complete my course reckon have-to doe with of exertion Price Main Functions Advantages Disadvantages Microsoft Publisher i 49. 99 The master(prenominal) campaign of Microsoft publisher is to create weavesites, documents, cards, al intimately e reallything ETC. It is easy to create these kinds of things with Microsoft publisher. It is real easy to create weavesites cards etc. It takes a very long time to install on the computer. It runs in a very spry speed so it doesnt need time to load up. It dejection be very conf apply and you need to know how to single-valued function it.It has so m some(prenominal) tar fuck off options, ab tabu over 1,000 professionally designed templates. You bottomlandt win very critical layouts beca use it doesnt have the precise tools. Microsoft Word i 49. 99 The main lick of Microsoft office say is to create and excess ively shorten text, graphics in letters, reports, and web pages and overly email messages. For this it has opposite shapes like modification text into different styles and forgeatting the font. Data lavatory be imported from a spreadsheet to this so that a mail merge pot be created. It is quite difficult to bloodline entropy like Microsoft Access. If you start up any breaks it contribute be rectify so easily.Not everyone volition be able to purchase it because it be too often. The move around spate be saved so that it could be put one overe at an another(prenominal) time. If raft start relying on the bout cracker they might lose their recite skills. Internet Explorer You dont need to purchase it because it is already installed on the operating softw are. The main function is that people have dewy-eyed access to the information the want. The other function is that they seat communicate, do a sharpness of shopping, and it bathroom overly be used for ente rtainment. Doesnt need to be purchased because its already installed on the operating software.Some information nominate be slanting and inaccurate. Used for a lot of things E. G. Communication, shopping, gaming E. T. C Surfing the meshwork too more, can be addictive. It can be accessed by anyone in the world. Illegal sites al delegacys occur even if youre surfing the web care waxy. Paint You dont need to purchase it because it is already installed on the operating software. The main function is to create drawings and to display inspectned photos. The other function is to create exhibits and diagrams. Doesnt need to be purchased because its already installed on the operating software. It cant store information in a table like Microsoft Access.You can draw logos, pictures E. T. C Older versions of it cannot give way files that are from a newfounder version. It has a special image function which allows you to edit or change photos. It cannot geek in text in different forms li ke Microsoft Office Word. Alternatives This table show the alternatives of the table above Name of Application Alternative Application The way it works Advantages Disadvantage deviance it would ease up if I used it Microsoft Publisher Adobe Dreamweaver The main function of Adobe Dreamweaver is to create mainly websites but other things can be do such as cards, magazines etc.Websites can be do a good deal more accurately and more than more precise than Microsoft word. It is much more expensive than Microsoft word so it cant be purchased by everyone. The main difference it constructs is that I would be able to work more accurately and create better websites. However it is more heterogeneous than Microsoft publisher so it will be hard to use. Website designers can make changes to the design of a website simply by editing the Dream weaverbird template files. It is much more complicated than Microsoft word so itll be hard to use. Simple and complex websites can be designed using a point and click method.It takes much longer to install. Microsoft Word stretch out Office Writer The main function of is to create and edit text, reports, and web pages and email messages. For this it has different functions like formatting text into different styles. The one makes it easier for new beginners to use. The wizards appear too much which is distractible. The main difference is that I would be able to create and edit text, reports, web ages and email messages easier and much more accurate. It can connect to any existing database. It is less popular than Microsoft Office Access so not many people use it.You dont have do barter for this but you can get it for free. For some people this could be hard to use because of the give awayicular functions. Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox The main function is that people have wide access to the information the want. The other function is that they can communicate, do a bit of shopping, and it can besides be used for enter tainment. It is much quick and faster than earnings explorer. It is not supported by a gauzy proportion of web sites. The main difference is that I would be able to gather information and surf the net much quicker than internet explorer.It has more security on it because it doesnt let pop ups finished at all. With Mozilla Firefox some websites do not display decently. It has more design and looks better than Internet Explorer. Fire fox has to be bought separately if it is to be installed in the computer. Paint Paint. net It works in the same way as paint. But this has extra special features and they work by having a user interface which can automatically know something new directly. there are different versions for different operating softwares. People could get handle versions and so they wouldnt work and they would have to buy new ones.The main difference is that I will be able to get help from the online forums If I did not no how to use it. Also if I make a mistake and I realise after a bit, therefore I will be able to go to that mistake because there is unlimited undos. It has online forums which makes it easy for members to get help from users. Some people wint understand it because it looks very complicated. in that respect is an unlimited criterion of pressing undo. It doesnt come supplied with computers from before so you have to buy it. Microsoft Publisher It is used for creating mainly websites. Microsoft Word It is used for write in any kind of information.Internet Explorer It is used for getting information. Ismail Bismillah Paint It is used for creating pictures, drawings, logo E. T. C Input These are the input devices I used to make my work easy. dodge Speed Errors that can be do manner to correct erroneousnesss Keyboard The speed of the keyboard is mea sure enoughd in form of words per minute. It depends if you are a fast typist or a abate one. Many errors can be through whilst typing. For example, when youre typing very quickly , you can press the awry(p) key which will change the spelling of a word. Also when youre typing yields you can make mistakes.E. g. if you want to token in 786 and your in a rush you can make mistakes like pressing the wrong numbers. (768) The way to correct these errors is to type a lot and you will get use to it so much that you wont get any mistakes. other easier method is to click on tools then(prenominal) click on spelling and grammar. This will show you all the mistakes and you can easily correct it later. Mouse The speed of the reversal also is measured in the similar way. (Clicks per minute) It depends if you are fast or disinclined on using the mouse. Many errors can also be made whilst using the mouse.The main error that can be made is that when you are in a rush, you can easily click on something wrong which will take you to a different place. Also the mouse can easily slip when youre moving it. The way to correct these errors is to use a mouse pad which is especia lly designed/made for mice. Another way to correct this error is to use the mouse a bit slower and not in a rush. Scanner The speed of the electronic scanner depends on how much data is being scanned. It also depends on what type of scanner it is. Errors can be made using the scanner as well. The main error that can be made is that the typography can be put the wrong way (upside down).Also the paper can sometimes be inserted half way inside. The way to correct these errors is to frustrate carefully which way the paper should be put in. Also the paper should be put in straight and not bent. Keyboard I find errors in my work by using the spelling and grammar checker to check any spelling mistakes and any punctuation mistakes. To correct the errors in my work I would use the proof reader to correct mistakes that are done in my work. To foreclose errors from happening, I typed a bit slower and much more carefully and I carried on looking at the harbor to see if there were any mis takes I made.Mouse I detected errors in my work by checking manually if I made any clicking mistakes. To correct the errors in my work I would check manually and make sure that I would click the undecomposed thing if something unwanted had been clicked by going back and clicking the right thing. To prevent errors from happening in my work I would make sure that I would buy a mouse pad so that the mouse doesnt slip and so the wrong thing doesnt be clicked. Scanner I detected errors in my work by checking manually if all the information has been scanned and also that it is the right way round but not upside down.To correct the errors in my work I would check manually and make sure that if the data is scanned upside down than I would delete that data and I would than scan the data again by moving the data on the scanner the other way round. To prevent errors from happening in my work I would make sure that the data is the right way round in the first place and also make sure that no p art of it is covered up. Effects of Inaccurate Data Inaccurate data will affect the system in many ways. Data Effect Way it can be prevented Spelling mistakes (website).If spelling mistakes are made then wrong information might be given out and also the guests will think this agency is not a professional one. To prevent this I spell checker can be used. I can also tell someone to go through it and look at my mistakes. Hyperlinks not linked correctly If hyperlinks are not linked properly then the business will become low because when you click on the link itll send you somewhere else or not take you anywhere. This can be prevented by checking the hyperlinks properly and making sure there are no mistakes. Also makes sure checking takes place before advertising. Not ever-changing the colour of hyperlinksIf hyperlinks do not change colour then the customer will not no which site he has been to so he will go on that website repeatedly. The way this can be sorted out is that when a cust omer clicks on the hyper link then it should change colour so the customer does not go on it repeatedly. The trump out way to stop all the problems is to keep on checking if you have made mistakes. This way all your mistakes will be sorted out. And there wont be any inaccurate data constitution Validation is to make sure that data which is being entered should be reasonable and allowable meaning that it is something possible but it doesnt have to be correct.There are a few different types of validations to help reduce the number of errors made by a user Type check, range check, picture or format check, check digit, field length checks etc. halt The validation can be used to make sure that when a user types data in the computer and if there are any errors made in the typing then they are reduced. For example if a database was going to be made with mistakes like if a 1993 date of produce was typed and was not true, the computer will not take it as an error if was programmed to le t in anything between 1990 and1994. So the results would be incorrect and full of mistakes.This could also be known as Garbage In, Garbage out (GIGO). So that is why validations are important to help make sure that the user knows if there are any errors that have been made when typing data into the computer but it does not help in sexual intercourse if the data is true or false. Output This table shows the outputs I used. Device Type The way it works Advantages Disadvantages Best place to use it Printers optical maser A mirror reflects a beam of laser, and then lays them. A toner is then sprayed onto it. A paper is now pressed onto the toner and is slightly heated so that it sticks firmly on the paper.It prints out very quickly compared to ink-jet and dot-matrix printers It is the most expensive printer especially the colour lasers. The best place to use this laser printer is an office because an office requires a large make sense of papers printed in small amount of time and wit h less disturbance as possible. It prints out very fast compared to ink-jet and dot-matrix printers Because it is so queen-sized it takes up more space than ink-jet printers. It has a high character reference compared to ink-jet and dot-matrix printers It is very expensive to repair because of the complex parts inside.

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