
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Kids vs Disabilities

D suffer syndrome affects many people in this world. Not unaccompanied does it affect the person diagnosed as Downs, b bely it too affects their family and every iodine around them. There are personal characteristics that help you identify person with Downs. There are overly some health concerns that you choose to foreboding about. In this essay I go away give you a clearer arrangement of what Downs syndrome is, and what it means to surrender Downs. Down syndrome can be caused for three disparate reasons. The most prevalent reason is called trisomy 21. This means that rather than having 46 chromosomes you take in 47.This is the cause for approximately ninety- five percent of the people touch by Down syndrome. The extra chromosome is usually demonstrate on the twenty-first pair. The near cause only affects 1 percent of the Downs population. It is known as mosaicism. This is caused from an demerit during cell division right after conception has occurred. It has been overtaken that with mosaicism some of the cells choose 47 chromosomes while other(a) cells only read 46 chromosomes. The determination reason can be traced tolerate to the parents. It is known as translocation.The twenty-first chromosome is translocated on to another chromosome. The parents could be carrying the chromosome that translocates. This form of Down syndrome affects only 3-4 percent of the people living with Downs. There are some health concerns that you should withal be aware of when dealing with someone with Downs syndrome. It has been found that among sixty and eighty percent of people with Down syndrome has a tryout deficit. If you were dealing with a young Downs syndrome minor it would be a intelligent idea to subscribe their hearing checked.It is also putting surface to have a congenital heart disease. Unfortunately many fryren collect surgery and will be under a doctors care their self-coloured life. Children with Down syndrome are more than likely to have problems with their vision than other children. A lot of children with Down syndrome have cataracts at birth that need to be removed. Due to the fact that intestinal abnormalities is also more common in children with Downs, one of two things occur. Either they do not take in and fail to get the nutrition they need as infants, or they range to focus on food and have a problem with obesity.another(prenominal) contri besidesing factor to this could be the fact that Down children are also more prone to thyroid dysfunctions. This could also affect their central dying(p) system so it needs to be monitored closely. Some other problems that whitethorn occur but are not as likely are leukemia, seizure disorders, skin disorders, sleep apnea, and early on order of Alzheimer disease. I give out very closely with an adult with Down syndrome. I personally see many of these things affect her everyday. Medication can help most of the disorders, but even so, it seems like your life is th en controlled by the fourth dimensions that you have to take medication.On the other end of the spectrum, I have found people with Down syndrome to be very loving, and ask nothing more of you than your friendship. To me, this quality makes them very special people. There are some somatogenetic characteristics that would help a doctor to identify a child affected by Down syndrome. I think the most prevalent is that of a flat face. It appears that they do not have the same curvature on their face as we do. It seems to be flattened. Next, would be that the back of their head is also flattened. It goes straight down rather than having a curve to it.They also have smaller ears, decreased muscle tone, smaller mouth, a gap amongst their first two toes, and skin folds in the corner of their eyes. None of these physical features causes any disability or decreases their function. In personal experience I have found that people with Down syndrome also have an overdone tongue. Because of th is they allow their tongue hang out of their mouth a lot. identical most things if you start early it can be corrected. In one instance that I have seen, as soon as the child started sticking out her tongue the mother would gently put it back in her mouth.She continued to do this until the child no longer let her tongue hang out of her mouth. If you start to work with Down syndrome children when they are young they seem to go further in life. Children with Down syndrome need just as much attention as other children, and have sex the same things as other children. Children with Down syndrome must be taught one at a time though according to what their strengths and weaknesses are. They use certain meetings in order to set their new goals and to see what the child has achieved.The first one is known as the various(prenominal) Education Plan (IEP). This will decide what type of training the child will get and how it will be taught. Next is the exclusive Family Service Plan (IFSP) . The family plays a large role in the childs development and these meetings show the parents how they can be more intricate and help in the childs learning. This will continue through with(predicate) their whole life. When they become adults they will have what is known as an Individual Service Plan (ISP). This occurs once a month.The adult with Down syndrome sets their own goals, sees what goals they have met, and decides where they want to go from in that location. As you can see a person with Down syndrome may entail more of your time and energy, but in my experiences I have found it to be worth the time and energy. They are very loving people that deserve a hazard in life just like everyone else. Just remember they have to work twice as hard to get half as far in life as you do. So maybe there is something we can learn from them like how to appreciate the little things, while so far doing our best in life.

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