
Monday, March 4, 2019

Fiction Essay: A Good Man Is Hard To Find Essay

The choices that we make determine who we genuinely argon. The immense pressure of certain situations in which we argon faced lead ultimately differentiate the quality soul that we think we are, from the kind of person that we actu whollyy are. In the short stage A Good objet dart Is Hard To Find Author Flannery OConnor tells a story intimately a family that includes a Grandmother and her superficial mental pictures. The family ultimately crosses paths with The Misfit that is on the loose, who represents the meat opposite of what the nanna is perceived to be.OConner uses the vitrineization of both the Misfit and the naan through forth the plot in order to reveal the theme of this penning which is achieved when the granny knot is finally brought to grace. In the start of the piece OConner brings the lector into a conversation that is taking place between the granny and her exclusively son Bailey. The family is planning a trip to Florida in which the Grandmother is pow erfully opposed. She movements to find e actually reason that she can possibly come up with to convince her son to change the destination of the trip from Florida to Tennes assimilate.Throughout the story the grandmother gives the impression that she is a figure of grace, dignity and prestige. Although she did not want to attend the trip she is the first person in the motorcar the undermentioned morning, ready to go. She is dressed very carefully because she sees herself as lady who is very polite and astute and she must be seen by others in the uniform human racener. She also amazes advantage of every opportunity to correct her grandchildren when making remarks that are less than courteous.When the children see the black child sitting on the porch they start to giggle, she quickly reminds them that black children in the country dont take the things we do. She tries to teach the children to respect the land in their native plead of atomic number 31 when the children try to throw trash out the window of the car and June protagonist makes the comment that Tennessee is a hillbilly dumping ground and Georgia is a lousy state too. The grandmother again hisses at June Star when she makes the impolite statement that I wouldnt live in a broken down place like this for a million bucks. sensation of the ways that OConner characterized the grandmother is being manipulative. Knowing what to do and interpret in order for her to achieve whatever it was that she wanted. An example of this being uprightnessful is by her sneaking the cat into the car against her sons wishes. some other is after the family had leftover The Tower and she manipulated the children into believing that the house she wanted to control had a secret a panel. afterwards getting the children riled up about the secret panel they nagged until Bailey finally had no choice to yet to turn around and go down the deserted dirt road.After traveling down this dirt road a while the grandmother r ealizes that the house that she remembered was in Tennessee. As she comes to this realization the cat springs out and frightens Bailey and he drives the car over the embankment. The grandmother hopes that she is injured so that her son volition have sympathy for her and she would not have to reveal her mistaking the status of the house. OConner has used the characterization of the grandmother and her family as thoroughly as the plot to this point in order to give an account of what type of person the grandmother is based stumble her actions.A man with 2 others arrived in a car and they got out and to help the family. The grandmother reveals that the man is The Misfit that she had seen in the newspaper. It seems as if the misfits attention had suddenly reverted from assisting the family to now putting to death the family based on her recognition of him. The Misfit has Hiram and Bobby Lee to take Bailey and John Wesley out to the woods first because they could be the most trouble some of the bunch. Shortly after, they take the mother and her baby into the woods and June star takes Bobby Lees great deal and follows.As stated in Flannery OConnors Spoiled seer written by T. W. Hendricks, the family members enter the fatal woods without resisting. This is said to be because they are accustomed to doing what is expected of them. They are not capable of playing on their own interest because none of them truly accredit who they are. The notwithstanding exception to this being the grandmother who is considered to be a round character whose personality has been fully developed throughout the story. While Bobby Lee and Hiram are in the process of murdering the rest of her family she is pleading with the Misfit to spare her life.He rejects all of her attempts to talk him out of his murderous intentions. The story then goes on to the duel, what OConner considers to be the theme of the story. This conflict is between the grandmothers belief that she is morally super ior to everyone, and the misfits close examination of his life as easy as his self awareness that he is not a high-priced man. This critical part of the story takes place during the dialogue that ensues between the misfit and the grandmother. The grandmother insists that the misfit is too good a man to shoot a lady.With this attempt to save her own life she is appealing the decency of the man. The grandmother tells his that I know you must come from nice peck. He says that he does come from the finest people in the world, yet the he is not a good man. The grandmother begins to lose her voice as she realizes that her son and grandson were killed and that her daughter in law as well the rest of her grandchildren were about to be killed, and that she would soon follow. The misfit goes on to explain to the grandmother that delivery boy has thrown everything off balance.He compared himself to Jesus in the sense that he had been punished but hadnt perpetrate any crimes. The Fact th at Jesus was also able to know what he was being punished for ate at him because he had no thought process what he was being punished for. He had come to the conclusion that the punishments that he had gone through did not fit the crime that he was incriminate of. The grandmother repeatedly urged the Misfit to pray. Praying would not help the misfit because he doesnt see what he has done as being a sin. The misfit believes that there is no hope for a good life in this world or any hope for bliss in the next life.He says that its nothing for you to do but enjoy the few minutes you got left the best way you canby killing somebody or burning down his house or doing some other compactness to him. This is considered to be the Misfits motivation for him committing these murders. The grandmother sees something in the Misfit that makes him like one of her own children, one of her sheep that have only strayed off course. The grandmother reaches out to touch the misfit both spiritually an d physically but instead of breaking down, the misfit jumps back and fire 3 shots into her chest.OConner mean for the grandmothers last moments to be led by grace. In the end she was personally connected with the misfit and genuinely concerned about him as a person. It is this lodge to being compared to a child that the misfit takes issue with. He mistakes her gesture for a form of belittlement. In the short story A Good military personnel Is Hard To Find the characters, characterization of the characters, the occurrences throughout the plot as well as the conflict are all literary elements critical to compass the final coming to grace theme of the story.

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