
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Looking For Alaska Double Entry Journal

Two rows behind me, I heard a chair head for the hills and turned around to see Alaska standing up, slinging her backpack over one arm Peg. 39 This quote shows how loyal Alaska is. She believes that what disturb was acquire kicked out of class for was not fair so she did what Alaska usually does-spoke her mind. If Budge was going to bring out kicked out of class and she was going with him. It only makes him bid her even more. Rorer adorable, she said, and I felt the intensity of her eyes on me and looked onward nervously. Too bad I love my dandy. Peg. 43 Budge is so in love with Alaska that just the slightest compliment makes his day. He knows theres something between them and I think Alaska knows that secretly too because of the way she looked at him. But again, her boyfriend is the problem. She smiled with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, hallway smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die. Peg. 44 1 had to carry this quote over a few times to really get wh at she meant by it. This quote shows Alaskan character and who she really Is. She Is not fearful of death by smoking. I think she believes that if you live your life to the fullest, that it doesnt payoff what age you re when you die. But why Alaska? I asked her. She smiled with the right locating of her mouth. Well, later I found out what It means. Its from an Aleut word, Alaska.It means that which the sea breaks against, and I love that. Peg 53 1 wondered why her name was Alaska through and through the whole first part of the book, because the name interested me so much. I picked this quote because It shows her being more vulnerable and talking about things ilk her name and Its meaning. I also Like dhow Budge was so interested In knowing more about Alaska, and I really do hope they get together later In the book.

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