
Friday, March 1, 2019

Critical Film Review on Blood Diamond Essay

A characterisation fil take with shark and persistent moments truly gels the substance. It portrays different motives and goals and how each character changes his methodology and ways and the dream remains the same. Each follows his dream and thusly realizes it. It portrays the various reasons that impart a person into a killer. Some do it for survival, several(prenominal) to shelter their family, some to escape their life, some for greed, some to win freedom and some because they have been brainwashed.The pictorial matter begins with Soloman Vandy played by Djimon Hounson being captured by the new United Front (RUF) rebels when they invade the small sierra Leonian village of Shenge. He is separated from his family while his son Dia is brainwashed that turns him into a killer. The movie revolves more or less devil African men, Archer and Vandy with two completely different histories and then their fates become joined in a combined quest to observe a pink baseball field.D anny Archer (Leonardo DiCaprio), an Anglo ex-mercenary from Rhodesia gets caught while smuggling diamonds and an American diary keeper Maddy Bowen (Jennifer Connelly) who helps Soloman find his family and covers her entire journey and publishes the truth behind the diamond industry. The movie shot in South Africa and Mozambique is an adventurous, thriller movie with strong violence and mixer conscience, disturbing semipolitical and sociological insights. It shows a lot of tunebath, atrocities, innocence of the farmers and the villagers and political unrest.It gives clear images of human cruelty and sufferings. I as an audience felt waves of different emotions, hope, pride, fear, mistrust, desperation and determination. I felt that each of the characters grew as the take away progressed without being overly manipulative. The whole era it builds this tension if either of the two men will betray each other. The dart is intended to be watched by all adults as it is an eye opener and gives us an fortune to see the side of hi level we were non aware of.It covers the different brotherly levels ranging from the big diamond tycoons to the poor farmers and villagers with journalist and diamond dealers in the middle. The movie brought an explosive impact on the diamond industry. Background knowledge The film cats a new spin to the diamond industry and the expensive, pricey gemstone that we wear around our neck and on our fingers. Set in the westward African country of Sierra Leone during the 1990s, this movie is a historic-adventure-drama that covers a time when the country was in turmoil.Warlords, smugglers and the diamond association all play roles in killing and enslaving men to work on the diamond fields. The title origin Diamond refers to diamonds which are harvested, smuggled and traded to fund the purchase of weapons used in Civil War. Blood diamonds are stones that are increased the death monetary value and the violence in the region. The movie car efully conveys the message without really talk the audience. A right balance is maintained between a historical event and an action-drama entertainment.The movie shows Maddy Bowen publishing in her magazine the complete story of her journey which later led to a conference on blood diamonds that actually took place in 2000 in Kimberly, South Africa. The conference led to the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme that seeks to certify the origin of diamonds in holy order to curb the trade and smuggling of conflict diamonds. Conclusion A bewitching plotline and an outstanding cast performance are few words that get a line the movie. The movie captures the reality to a remarkable degree. I think it comes at par with other movies I have seen like Hotel Rwanda.There is a great deal of violence which is realistic and very fitting to what happened. Sierra Leone, one of the safest countries in the gentleman gets involved in a well-mannered war. I feel that the movie very accurately tells about the diamond conflict. I feel that Di Caprio did justice to his role, Connellys role was short nevertheless she was able to make the most of it and Housou truly deserves the Oscar. The ending was simply superior when Di Caprio dies in the mountains. It adds a realistic touch and is very sad as we see that he finally gets what he had dreamt of but he could not cherish it for long.The positive aspects of the movie far outweigh the negative bits. I felt the movie was a little outstretched and the length bogged it belt down a little instead of strengthening it. The conflict of diamonds, the conflict of Africa keeps you query if peace and harmony can ever be attained world wide. It left me with a thought of how violence can be put to an end and how these giant corporations be made to serve the third world, low developed countries and not vice versa. Reference http//www. moviehabit. com/reviews/blo_lg06. shtml http//review-online. blogspot. com/2007/03/blood-diamond. html

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