
Monday, March 11, 2019

Benefits of Returning to School

The some benefits to returning to enlighten and some of the obstacles I had and have to over practice to see my dream come alive. What I penury to see happen and by faith its going to happen. I have many reasons for returning to school. I had the chance to score a job in picture station, and have never d bingle television before and treasured to at least have a familiar idea of what would be expected to do this job. First thing that came to my genius about going back to school I didnt subsist if I would be able to do the work.I had been out of school so long would I remember the simple things, was scared and didnt spang if or how I would be able to maintain, but with the forgiveness of God Im doing it. The first couple classes to me was like a refresher, because I had been out of school for so long once I saw the work it all came flooding back. Plus, I wanted to derail my own business and what better way to have a make business than to know e precisething there is to k now before you jump in to deep. I would have to label the benefits of my degree would be seeing adept parents like me with goals and dreams and no one to table service them fulfill them.With no one to even watch their children, while they try to attempt to start the march. perceive single parents smile when they have the help that is needed to gain a better life sentence is enough for me. If I just gave up and allow the Devil win I wouldnt be able to help those in need. Everything from estimator problem to no lights, and I still made a way. I live by faith and there is nought better that cunning that the passkey Jesus Christ got my back with it all, and provideing to make a way for me to see my dream come alive.Helping other people is what I want to do in life. Single parents provide be my main focus, helping them find the benefits they will need to assure their families are stable. I have always been kindhearted, and wanted to help people. What other way than to keep someone from going by means of what I had to alone. My life style has changed so much Im more(prenominal) spiritual, open minded, and more aware of the many road blocks on the way. If I hind end help at least one family it would fervid my heart and that would be enough for me.I have been where a batch of people are and at the same time not knowing that the next person may be going through something more serious than I. So whats more fulfilling than to help ones that feels like me, over come some of the obstacles I had to, to make a better life for their children. The many obstacles I had to overcome just to start my degree were very overwhelming early in the process. First day class started my computer crashed, had to get another one since it was early on in the process I was able to start over.Next, my internet service stops working. then(prenominal) in to the program once everything was back on track se preservet class my new computer wants to stop working, couldnt access the takeout document formats. If it wasnt one thing it was something else. I was determined to get my degree, by any means necessary, neighbors house, friends houses, libraries, anywhere where there was an internet fraternity I was trying to get there. My number one strategy for overcoming the many obstacles is prayer and thats how I plan to get through the live of my degree.A wise man once said, No weapons formed against me shall win and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me, Says the Lord (Isaiah 5417 KJB). Plus I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 413 KJB). I also know that whatever God does it shall be forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing taken from it (Ecclesiastes 314 KJB). Everything I do in life these days I pray and ask the Lord to show me his way. Like with this paper, I really dont know how to write a good paper.When I sat down aft(prenominal) I wrote the first draft and started typing it parts of it changed. I worked seriously and hope it shows and pray its the way it was suppose to be done. I dont see any more obstacles that are excessively much for me not to get my degree. I feel that if it took this much sullen work to get something I really want then it will be will worth the fight. I fight everyday, willing and score for what else the devil has to put in my way. I can honestly say that the hard work that comes alone with my degree will be tumefy worth it once I have that piece of paper with my get to on it.

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